Place a LingvoSoftOnline Learning PhraseBook on your site for free.
Click here to Place a LingvoSoftOnline Dictionary
Our PhraseBook includes about 3000 frequently used phrases, organized into 15 major topics, with several options for practicing each phrase! It's extremely convenient for browsing and the search feature makes it easy to find the entries you want.
We are pleased to be able to offer you two types of online forms.
First is a simple online form that directs your visitors to our site and opens in a separate browser window when the user select the topic and language pair.
The second form loads a phrasebook pane directly into the page where it is installed, and the visitor stays on your site.
To place one on your homepage you should simply put the html code into the section where you'd like to see the dictionary. You may choose any of the following designs.
To get the HTML code please select one of the forms below and supply your e-mail address. You will immediately receive an e-mail containing the HTML code.
Copyright info: All Free LingvoSoft Online Learning PhraseBook placed on your site must bear the company name - LingvoSoft Online Learning PhraseBook and link back to site.
Now, please select a design and type of form (Static forms, Dynamic form): |